Public Works | Capital Improv. | Construction | Docs & Drawings |
Engineering | Mapping | Reforesting | Snow Removal |
Streets | Stormwater | Traffic | Wastewater |
The Public Works Department is one of the largest departments in the city, and one of the most visible. With responsibilities covering streets, sidewalks, storm and sanitary sewers and wastewater treatment, traffic control and mapping, the activities of this department directly impact the daily lives of every citizen of Rolla. Each of these areas makes a vital contribution to the smooth functioning and growth of the basic infrastructure of the city.
As the Director of Public Works, it is my pleasure to provide the best possible infrastructure for our citizens and community. Please don't hesitate to call our offices whenever you need assistance.
Thanks for visiting our homepage.
Darin Pryor, Public Works Director
Historic Walking Tour Brochure available online
Telephone: (573) 364-8659
Fax: (573) 364-8602
Director: Darin Pryor
City Engineer: Matthew Kreyling, P.E.
Exec. Assistant:
Main Office:
901 North Elm Street,
4th Floor, City Hall
Mailing Address:
Rolla Public Works
P.O. Box 979
Rolla, MO 65402
Office Hours:
7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
(Closed on:
Weekends & Holidays)
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