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Environmental Services Department consists of the Sanitation, Recycling, and Vehicle Maintenance divisions. The Sanitation Division is responsible for all regular municipal trash pick-up service, for both residential and commercial customers.
Curbside Recycling Changes
The importance and the benefits of recycling have not changed. However, other factors have changed, and so the methods in which recyclable materials are collected and sorted must also evolve. Thus, Rolla will be seeing some changes to the recycling program. The Rolla City Council recently voted unanimously to discontinue the residential curbside recycling service due to an ongoing shortage of manpower, as well as economic considerations. This service will be discontinued in Rolla effective April 2, 2022. The final week of collection will be March 28 - April 1, 2022. For all the benefits that come from recycling, residents are encouraged to continue to recycle using the drop-off recycling center located on Old Saint James Road. The recycling center is accessible for drop-off 24/7. The blue recycling bins remain the property of the City and residents that have them are encouraged to use them to haul their recyclables to the recycling center. Residents that wish to return the blue bin to the City after April 2nd can contact the Environmental Services Department at waste@rollacity.org or 364-6693
Director: Roger Pankey
Recycling Specialist: Stephanie Ellis 573-364-9568
Executive Assistant: Jennifer Hicks 573-364-6693
Phone: 573-364-6693
Fax: 573-364-3648
Email: waste@rollacity.org
Location: 2141 Old St. James Road
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 979
Rolla, MO 65402
Want to know more about recycling and what happens to the products once they leave Rolla?
Call the Rolla Recycling Center at 364-6693 to schedule a tour or presentation for your classroom, civic group, organization or business.
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