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City of Rolla Budget / Details

The Funding of City Services

The City of Rolla is a large service organization. Our customers range from general citizens desiring the basic services of health, public safety, and welfare to churches, schools, and neighborhoods to businesses, tourists, and prospective residents. The City's mission is to protect and enhance the quality of life of all customers. And like any business the City provides roads, utilities, sanitation, public safety, parks and recreation, leadership, planning and economic opportunity based on the value customers are willing to pay to support these endeavors. As such it is helpful to understand where the money goes (services provided) and where the money comes from.

What is Budgeting?

Legally, budgeting is the balancing of revenues and retained earnings (reserves) with planned expenditures - a work plan with accountability. The city of Rolla's budget is organized in a series of funds, each of which is considered a set of self balancing accounts, to record and maintain the assets, liabilities, fund equity, revenues, and expenditures for each primary activity. The City of Rolla operates with the following eight (8) funds: General Fund, Sewer Fund, Parks Fund, Airport Fund, Solid Waste Fund, Cemetery Trust Fund, Street/Capital Improvement Fund and Rec Center Fund. Rolla Municipal Utilities (RMU) derives its authority to operate the electric and water system directly from the City Council. RMU is a part of the City with a separate budget under the Board of Public Works that works closely with the City in addressing the many needs of the community.

Main Purposes of Budgeting

A means of balancing revenues and expenditures (legal requirement).

  1. Budgeting is a "semi-judicial process" where departments and divisions come to the City Council to plead their case;
  2. Budgeting is "accountability" where the people hold the City Council accountable through the electoral process;
  3. Budgeting is "control" whereas appropriations are the first line of Defense against overspending;
  4. Budgeting is "public relations" where we attempt to respond to the public’s needs and requests but establishing public policy;
  5. Budgeting is an "instrument" of good management;
  6. Budgeting is a "work plan" with a dollar sign attached;
  7. Budgeting is an instrument for "planning" which requires project costs and program levels at least several years ahead.

Source "Public Budgeting in America"

Budget Breakdown

The City of Rolla operates on a fiscal year that runs from October 1 - September 30

FY 2025 Draft Budget

City of Rolla, MO
901 North Elm Street
Rolla, MO 65401
Phone: (573) 426-6948
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