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The City of Rolla is an inviting place to live because our residents take pride in the appearance of their homes and neighborhoods. The City has adopted ordinances regulating property maintenance in both residential and commercial areas to keep our community safe and in good order.
Our staff regularly patrols the City to identify violations, and is responsible for responding to complaints. To report a violation, you may fill out the Nuisance Investigation Report. This form may be emailed to, or dropped off on the 2nd Floor of Rolla City Hall.
For questions or concerns, you may contact our Zoning & Codes Inspector,Skyler Johnson, at (573) 426-6975, or email at
Whenever a violation is identified, the owner/resident/tenant will be notified of the violation and given an opportunity to correct it. This will be done by posting a notice on the property (usually on the front door) and/or mailing a copy to the owner or by presenting the owner/resident with a notice in person.
The allowable amount of time to make corrections varies. High grass, weeds, brush or trash and rubbish piled on the right-of-way or at the curb will be given 15 days to correct the problem(s). Other violations will be given 30 days to make the necessary corrections. Property maintenance violations that create immediate health, safety or danger to the general welfare of the residents/tenants will result in the property being declared uninhabitable and occupancy of the structure will not be allowed until the required corrections have been made.
If the violations are not corrected within the timeframe given, the City may abate the violation and place a tax lien on the property. Common abatements are cutting of grass and weeds and removing trash and rubbish on the property. The total amount of the lien shall include the cost of the abatement, an administrative fee (generally $100) and all filing fees incurred. In other instances, a summons to appear in Municipal Court will be issued. Violators may be subjected to a fine of not more than $500, or by imprisonment not exceeding 90 days; or both such fine and imprisonment. These offenses are a Misdemeanor and each day that a violation continues after time due notice has been served shall be deemed a separate offense.
For all Nuisance regulations refer to Sections 6, 28 and 42 of the Rolla City Code.
Property Maintenance requirements can be found in the 2018 International Property Maintenance Code.
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